
Northwest Chapter PDC is February 11, 2025


Where Learning Meets Opportunity” – the 2025 Northwest Chapter PDC

It is not too soon to look ahead and mark your calendars for the 2025 Northwest Chapter Professional Development Conference (PDC). Planning is well underway for the big event, scheduled for Tuesday, February 11, 2025. With the theme “Where Learning Meets Opportunity”, a big day is in store at the Crown Plaza Minneapolis Hotel and Conference Center in Plymouth, Minnesota.

There will be a full day of general sessions, breakout sessions, an update on State and Federal OSHA, exhibitors, and networking opportunities galore. New for this year will be a Post-Conference Reception for additional networking and to “unwind” after the big day. Mark your calendar now for this event and ‘stay tuned’ as we release additional details about the PDC. Additional details will be shared on the Northwest Chapter website, the Chapter newsletter, and the Northwest Chapter LinkedIn profile.

Crowne Plaza

Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West
3131 Campus Drive
Plymouth, MN 55441

UMD MEHS Students Form an ASSP Student Section

Just a quick congrats to the UMD MEHS Students on their recent election for their Student Section. More details to follow at a later date.

  • President – Makenzie Clough
  • Vice President – Kaija Jezierski
  • Secretary – Elizabeth Mcdermott
  • Treasurer – Benjamin Long
  • Program Chair – Ramiro Perez
  • Membership Chair – Anthony Saari
  • Special Programs Chair – Ian Lindberg

Chapter Meeting Updates: Season Opener was a Win!

Our Chapter meeting season opener was a success with Jim Krueger from Minnesota OSHA providing updates on what’s happening at MNOSHA and the impact of 2022 legislation. We had around 55 people attendees in person and online. Here are a couple of take aways:

  • Minnesota is now part of the Chicago Region (renamed from Region V).
  • By the time you read this adoption of the changes to the hazard communication standard will have been published.
  • Penalties go up again on October 1. Minnesota still provides credits for size, having a safety program and history.
  • There were 32 fatalities last year, down from 45 the year before. Falls in general industry and electrocutions are increasing concerns.
  • There has been an increase in workplace violence injuries and fatalities, especially in healthcare and convenience stores.

Congratulations to Scott Norman and Greg Olson who both won a free registration at an upcoming meeting! We will continue to give away two free registrations at each meeting.

Quad Cities ASSP Virtual Chapter Meeting

Topic: AI Impact on Safety

Speaker: Jonathan Smith

With nearly two decades of expertise in Environmental, Occupational, and Health Safety (EOHS), Jonathan brings a wealth of experience spanning heavy industry, maritime, aeronautical, and general industry sectors. Jonathan’s extensive background in managing complex safety and regulatory challenges across diverse environments underscores a deep commitment to fostering safe and compliant workplaces. Jonathan’s proven track record of developing and implementing effective safety programs and strategies has consistently enhanced operational efficiency and risk management in dynamic and high-stakes settings.

Jonathan enjoys spending time with his wife and their three young boys outside of work. They live on a micro-farm in Fallbrook and enjoy anything to do with the outdoors. Jonathan also spends his free time refurbishing classic muscle cars and motorcycles, building Gundam model kits, collecting classic video games, and just having fun.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Quad Cities ASSP Virtual Chapter Meeting – ASSP Quad Cities Chapter