EHS professionals serve employers and employees by preserving what matters most—the quality of life. This is accomplished by effectively managing the risks associated with working conditions and human behaviors. No employee should go to work fearful of injury or unknowingly exposed to hazards and conditions that could result in a debilitating illness. To that end, the EHS professional is a vital part of an employer’s operations, ensuring sustainability by contributing to the return on investment that a healthful workforce provides to a business.
Dan Hannan Sr.—was a commercial painter for four decades from the 1950’s through the 1980’s. His passing in 2000 because of lung cancer was caused in part by his occupational exposures that occurred well before workplace controls were established by OSHA in 1970. This onetime $1,000 scholarship proves to memorialize not only his service to his trade but also his largely unguarded health and safety condition
Application information can be found on the below form.